Rain Heart Kawaii Quest Watch Order

This watch order consists of the entire series with all puzzles solved. Everything added here is stuff that players of the ARG have found. Things will be added as things are found! Simple, right? If something's not on here, you're probably the first to find it. Report your discoveries to the Discord server to have them added here!

> Click to return to: Part 4 - Angel Game

For the 2.5ish years of batwingstastelikefebruary's existence, the COMICS/MEMORIAL page has been there. Though, keen-eyed players noticed something about the file names of each page.
There was page 1, then 2, 3, and 5... No 4.
Naturally, people looked for page4.png, and when they found it, there was an image stating to come back later.

On December 11, 2024, the YouTube channel seemingly run by Lily September posted the following:

Attached was the following gif:

This led people to go back to page4.png, which was updated to appear as a link.